My Facebook page

I really didn’t wanted to ask you this, but since almost everyone else is doing it, I figured out why shouldn`t I? Here it goes: IF you like my photos, but only IF you like them and by accident you have a Facebook account please give a like to my page.I guess I’m a little bit frustrated that a lot of  “artists” have tons of likes on Facebook because they beg everyone to like their pages, and I have only 72 likes because I hate asking people for favours and of course because I don’t have the guts to ask them. I don’t have a lot of friends (except you 😀 ) so here I am writing this.Thank you all in advance and I wish you a wonderful morning/day/evening!


1 year

On the 30th of April 2012 I was posting my first photos on this blog.(You can see them here.)This will be the 352nd post and I can’t say how many photos I uploaded because I lost count of them a long time ago.In this past year I took a lot of photographs, I learned a great deal of things, I made some friends and I discovered a beautiful world hidden under the generic term of “blogosphere”.292 people decided that my blog is worth following and I thank them for that.It means a lot to me that you like and appreciate my work.Until now (15:08 EET) my blog accumulated a number of  12.092 visits and I don’t know if that’s a big number for you, but it surely is for me, a complete nobody on this world.I hope that you will continue enjoying my photographs and I hope I will always have a picture to post for you every day.

Blog of The Year 2012,Very Inspiring Blogger Award,Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

I want to apologize for the delay wherewith I’m writing this post, but I really didn’t have the time to write  (sometimes I don’t have the time to post even my daily photo) and thank all of my friends for their nominations.I don’t want you to think that I ignored you and your nominations because I am too “good” for them.The lack of time was the problem.

And in chronological order I want to thank Petit for her Christmas gift which was to nominate my blog to the  “Blog of The Year 2012” award, it is a great honour for me and it brings me much joy.Then I want to thank Patricia , Alastair and again Petit for nominating me to the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”, I am very happy that my blog caught your attention and you consider it worthy for these awards.And if I am not mistaken Alastair also nominated me to the “Wonderful Team Member Readership Award” and I want to say a big thank you for thinking of my blog when he chose his nominees.

It would be impossible for me to follow all the acceptance rules for each award so if you don’t mind I’ll skip the rules.If you are curious to know things about me I think it’s sufficient to read these posts, I think I already told a great deal of stuff about myself.

And because I don’t want to be selfish and not share any of these awards with you I’ll make my own rule 😀

Everyone of you that reads this post is nominated to the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”.I think that all of you are inspiring and you all deserve this award.

Thank you again, my friends, for your nominations and I wish “Happy Easter!” to all of you that celebrate this holiday tomorrow.



My first participation at a photography salon

A month and a half ago I decided to participate at the International Photographic Art Salon “Best of CF”, 1st Edition, 2012.CF means comunitate foto (photo community) and it’s a website I’ve been a member since 2011.Anyone who was a member and had a  number of  four or five (don’t remember exactly) published photos on the site could participate at the Salon.At first I didn’t wanted to even think about participating but some close friends of mine gave me a little boost of confidence (which I’ve always lacked) and convinced me to participate.There were a lot of talented photographers in the competition and I knew I did not have much chances to win an award, but I hoped to have at least some accepted photos at the Salon.And I did have.I had two accepted photos (from a number of 8, 4 color and 4 monochrome) and one of them is printed and present in the exhibition alongside the 56 award winning photographs and other 23 accepted photographs.

I think the results were pretty good for a first time.But the most important thing was the experience.Now I know how things work and I can prepare myself for the next Salon.This time I had to enter the competition with photos that were never meant to be in one, but I had to pick up 8 of them.

Anyway, here are the two accepted photos:

The first is “Martian Sunset” (the one exhibited at the Salon)

Martian sunset

And the second is “The Envy”

The Envy

Here is a link where you can see photos from the exhibition.Ha ha I can’t believe that my Martian Sunset is out there 😀

So Sweet Blog Award

I want to thank Anca for nominating me to such a lovely and wonderful award.She really made my day sweeter and brighter.And that is a big thing considering that today was an absolutely awful day for me.

I understand that are no certain rules to follow in order to accept this award except the fact that you have to nominate other blogs that have under 200 followers.

My nominees in random order are:

1) Claudia

2) Mind Vibes

I’m so sorry if I forgot someone who might have been included on my list but from the blogs that I checked out some of them had over 200 followers and others do not show their number of followers (which is very frustrating because some of the blogs I had in mind did not have the number of followers displayed).

Thank you again Anca, and I wish you a wonderful evening!