Liebster Blog Award & One Lovely Blog Award

I am so happy that I got nominated again, and this time to a new award named Liebster Blog Award!I would like to thank Petit for bringing me such joy and honour!

Also I would like to thank Alastair for nominating me to the One Lovely Blog Award a few weeks ago and also to apologize because I did not had the time to accept it more rapidly.It was a very busy period for me and I barely had the time to drop my daily photo on the blog.Unfortunately I can’t find the link on his blog where the nominations list was, so I don’t know what acceptance rules I must follow.I guess I will just say one huge thank you  to Alastair for his nomination and for his appreciation for my photos.That means the world to me!

And now I must follow some rules in order to accept the Liebster Blog Award.The first rule is to post 11 facts about myself…Let’s see what other things I can say about myself beside the ones I already wrote in the past posts.

1) I am an outdoorsy person, I like taking long walks in the park or even in the neighborhood and…anywhere as long as it’s outside the house.

2) I eat very spicy.

3) I am a great movie lover and I have a quite impressive collection of DVDs.

4) I love wearing leather boots.

5) My favourite book genres are sci-fi and mistery.

6) I’m addicted to music, I listen to it everywhere and I always have a pair of little headphones in my pocket.

7) I love banana & white chocolate pancakes.

8) I really like psychology and I even studied it one year at the university but dropped out from personal reasons.So I guess if it weren’t for me to be a photographer I can always see myself a therapeutist 😛

9) I hate high-heel shoes (and I never wear them).

10) I love the 1967 Ford Mustang and I have a huge poster with it in my room.

11) I like wearing rings.
And now that I finally managed to write 11 facts about myself I will pass on to the second rule which is to answer Petit’s questions:

1) “If you would have a painting, what would it be ?” – “Dawn” or any other autumn landscape by George Inness.

2) “Do you have a song that reminds you of old times ? Which is it ?” – “Nights in White Satin” – The Moody Blues.

3) “How is called the last book that you read ?” – “Echoes from the Dead” by Johan Theorin.

4) “Which is your favorite fruit ?” – Hmm…very hard to choose.I can’t choose between oranges and peaches 😀

5) “What object or trait defines your style?” – My leather jacket.

6) “Which is your biggest flaw?” – I guess I’m getting aggravated too easily ( but it passes as quickly as it comes 😀 )

7) “What do you prefer the most : seaside or mountains? And why?” – Mountains by far.Because they have wonderful landscapes, fresh air, tranquility and I can find places whithout hordes of people around me.I could never prefer the seaside because I hate the scorching sun of summer and crowded places such as beaches.

8) “What do you prefer : A chandelier or a lamp ?” – A chandelier.

9) “Which is your favorite dessert ?” – Difficult question…let’s say…ice cream!

10) “In your opinion, which is the biggest mistake of humanity?” – The invention of religion and of course the invention of the atomic bomb which is the classical answer.Humans are egocentric and self-distructive by nature so both “mistakes” were inevitable.

11) “What do you like to do in your spare time ?” – I take photographs, walk in the park, listen to music, watch music and cook.

And now …the third rule: “put eleven questions for the eleven nominated blogs”.

1) What is your all time favourite movie?

2) Which is your favourite dish?

3) What is your favourite clothing style?

4) Are you a religious person?Why?

5) What is your goal in life?

6) What things do you know about Romania? (Don’t cheat!Don’t search on Google 😛 ).And for you my fellow romanians I have another question: What is the thing that you love most about your contry?

7) What hobbies do you have?

8) What city or country would you like to visit?

9) What is your favourite book genre?

10) What is your profession?

11) What is your favourite drink?

And finally the fourth and last rule is to nominate 11 blogs that I find “liebster”.The nominees ( in no particular order) are  :

1) Connor Cullen

2) Photosteam

3) Alastair’s Blog

4) lichtbildwerfer

5) Un blog despre excursii si iesiri in natura

6) Impulsuri Foto

7) Gabriel I Photography

8) Marie – Charlotte

9) annenieannenou

10) slowaholic

11) Leanne Cole

Thank you again Petit for nominating me and I wish you all a very nice evening (morning or afternoon) !

One lovely blog award

I would like to thank Marie-Charlotte for nominating me to One Lovely Blog Award.It brings me great joy and honour that you like my photographs and each nomination and of course feedback from you, my dear followers and friends, helps me create better photos.

As you probably know by now, there are certain rules in order to accept this award.First you have to thank the person that nominated you.Thank you again Marie-Charlotte and I am so glad I found your blog.Your photographs are wonderful as well as your vision upon the world.

The second rule is to share seven secrets about yourself.Well I don’t think I’ve got too many secrets but I’ll share seven facts about myself:

1) I quit drinking coffee a few days ago

2) I’m a perfectionist

3) I’m afraid of birds (their wings to be more specific) and terrified of insects.

4) Another passion of mine is represented by…cars.I can recognize a wide range of car brands, even the vintage ones and I’ve got some knowledge in mechanics.

5) I like to cook

6) I like beer (shame on me 😀 )

7) I like horror movies.

And the third rule is to nominate 15 other bloggers.My nominations (in random order) are:

1) Gabriel I Photography

2) Mia

3) Kolbskid

4) Simple Pleasures~

5) Cristi Niculescu

6) annenieannenou

7) Liew Chi Khong

8) carmenfortis

9) Vicki


11) slowaholic

12) Samsara

13) Russel Ray Photos

14) A Ballad Of Silence

15) Javier GM Photography

In the end I would like to thank all of you for sharing your wonderful creations and for making my days brighter!



RIP – A tribute post

I’m deeply saddened to tell you that the plane I photographed a month ago from my window crashed this morning and that the pilot lost his life.The IAR 99 Şoim 718 was the first Şoim (Hawk) manufactured in Craiova practically being the prototype of the Hawk.The pilot was 49 years old with a vast experience over 25 years.I hope he’s in a better place now.Apparently the cause of the accident was a technical malfunction.

Here you can see an article from a romanian newspaper that contains a photo of the pilot and the remains of the plane that burned entirely.

RIP Comandor Aurelian Cojocaru.

Sunshine Blogger Award

I want to thank LeBlogDuSpectateurSentimentale for nominating my little blog to the Sunshine Blogger Award.It is a great honor and joy for me to receive it, especially that this is my second nomination to this particular award.

I know I must nominate some fellow bloggers, so here are my nominations (in random order):

Thank you again!

One Lovely Blog Award

I want to thank Nicole for nominating me to the One Lovely Blog Award and also apologize for taking me so long to accept it.It was a hectic period for me as I was studying for my exams and I simply couldn’t find the time to write this post.There are some rules for accepting this award and here they are:

  • Thank the person/people who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
  • Share seven possibly unknown things about yourself.
  • Nominate fifteen or so bloggers you admire.
  • Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know and link back to them.

I guess I have to share another seven things about me because I already shared another seven in a previous acceptance post.Let’s see…

1) I love riding my bike and play different sports such as: badminton, table tennis, handball and football

2) I’m a friendly and sociable person

3) I quit smoking one and a half year ago

4) I love my doggy, Roko

5) I enjoy watching Investigation Discovery

6) My favourite flowers are red roses

7) I’m currently exercising my drawing skills

Here are my fifteen nominations (in random order):


2) Charming Trinity

3) Impressions of my world

4) SKEdazzles

5) Manoli Rizo Fotografia

6) Light Touch

7) It’s a BEEautiful Life

8) Cyndi Pachino Photography

9) Aisling Jennings Photography

10) Life Voyage PhotoBlog

11) The Little Leaf

12) Photo Nature Blog

13) Ways of feeling

14) Impulsuri foto

15) Leanne Cole’s Photography Field Trips

Versatile Blogger Award & Sunshine Award

As I am new in the blogosphere and rather ignorant when it comes to nominations and awards, I didn’t knew until today how important they are and that I have to follow some rules in order to receive them.First of all I want to thank my fellow bloggers that gave me this great honour and joy:  Crystal for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award and of course Robert for nominating me for the Sunshine Award.

The rules for receiving the Versatile Blogger Award are:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

The rules for Sunshine Award are:

  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog.
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself.
  • Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers.
  • Link your nominees to this post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

The first two rules are accomplished but I wouldn’t even call them rules because it’s a matter of common sense to thank someone for an award 🙂

Because I’m fairly new at blogging I don’t know if I can find that many blogs as required but I will do my best 🙂

For the Versatile Blogger Award I nominate:

Travel Photography by Dimitrii Lezine (You can find some wonderful HDR images on his website and useful tutorials)

Canadian Hiking Photography (If you love nature and mountains than this is the blog for you)

Robert Santafede Photography (I’m not nominating your blog because you nominated me, but because I really love your work and you deserve another award)

Costin Irimia Photography Blog (a truly versatile blog where you can find beautiful landscapes, photos with spectacular and interesting places, but also street, portraits  and photojournalism photographs)

Muzuqu Noir (A blog I enjoy watching very much for the author’s sensible way of capturing photos, if you like the beauty of nature than you should definitely visit this blog)

Kevin George Travel Photography Blog (I guess the title speaks for itself, if you want to visit beautiful places from your computer desk, than this is the link you should click on)

Hunter Webb Photography (A beautiful photography blog where you can find HDR images, night scenes, nature and sports photos)

Charming Trinity (A blog I like very much for its wide range of beautiful things you can find there.You must see it for yourself as I can’t find my words now to describe it)

Nicole Ftacnik Photography (A blog where you can find wonderful landscape photography, macro photography, portraits and useful articles as well)

Manoli Rizo Fotografia (An exceptionally beautiful photography blog that I like very much.You can find beautiful portraits, wonderful landscapes, architecture and much more interesting things)

Jennifer Mendez Photography (If you want to see a beautiful 365 photography project than you must visit this blog.The night pictures are amazing)

Joshi Daniel Photography (If you like the stories told by faces and people than this is the spot for you.The portraits are absolutely amazing)

Film Photography Is Not Dead (A blog that film photography fans shouldn’t miss.You can find very interesting reviews, articles and informations about film cameras).

For the Sunshine Award I nominate:

Photo Nature Blog (For all nature and animal lovers out there)

Mokolate (A very sweet blog, that brings with just a click sunshine and appetite for sweets in your life)

Mazzarella Photo (A blog with astounding wildlife pictures and gorgeous landscapes)

Lifeinthedrivethru (A blog with very funny and satiric stories about customers that come to the drive thru every day.The drive thru guy puts a smile upon your face whether you want it or not)

Pepper Blog (A blog where you can find sarcastic and funny personal opinions about romanian public figures, politics, local stuff, but movie reviews and good music as well)

Travel Photo Media (A very interesting travel photography blog where you can find lots of astounding images, reviews and more)

Memyselfandela (A very sensible blog with beautiful images and good music)

Brian Gaynor Photography (A very creative and interesting photography blog where you can find beautiful landscapes, street photography, animals and much more)

cancerkillingrecipe (Perhaps the blog which deserves the Sunshine Award most.You can read the posts of a wonderful person that has a positive and optimistic attitude towards this awful illness named cancer.You have my deepest admiration Anna).

So these are the blogs that I like very much, admire and consider that deserve my nominations.As for the 7 things I have to tell about myself, well…

1) I love rock music, the 80s, and classical music

2)I love nature ( mountains especially)

3)My favourite food is pizza

4)I want to be a professional photographer

5)I want to travel all over the world

6)I love animals

7)My favourite (non)colour is black but if I had to choose another that would be blue.

I hope this is enough because I’m in an awful time crisis and I don’t even know when 3 hours passed by.

I will send this link to each and every one of you to let you know that you are nominated as soon as possible!

Thank you again!

My first camera

Guess what I found today stashed in an old box?I’ll tell you: my first photo camera, the same one I was talking about in my description.Those of you that don’t speak romanian haven’t the slightest idea what I am babbling talking (writing actually) about.I’ll try to translate the essence of the story as it follows:

“I was born on the 24th of February 1988 in the beautiful city of Craiova,  Romania and since my star sign is Pisces I am a sensitive,  idealistic and dreamy person.I like to see something beautiful where other people can’t see anything or don’t have the time to look.This was the thought that I had in mind when I wrote the tagline of this blog which in english would approximately translate as “Let’s see the world with our souls”.
My passion for photography started when I was about 12 years old and my parents bought for our family holidays and trips a small film camera (SKINA SK-102).From the first moment I laid my eyes on it I was curious and wanted to know how to use it.Not long after, I became the main user of that “interesting gadget”.So I started photographing forests, waterfalls, mountains, the sky and basically everything beside the reason it was bought for: photographing people (us).My parents were not very happy about the fact I was “wasting” the film but I couldn’t help myself.I loved taking nature photos more.But time passed by and my attention got concentrated more on other things, mainly my studies.A few years later, in 2007 I bought my first digital camera ( a compact one) Samsung S850 that I used for almost 5 years in almost every situation possible but its performances were too limited for my purposes.So in June 2012 I acquired my first DSLR, a Nikon D90 and I am very pleased with it.It is a wonderful camera and I love it.I hope you will enjoy my photographs 🙂 Thank you all in advance for your likes and comments!”.

The conclusion is that this little film camera brought back some well hidden (but sweet) memories.We don’t realize how many things we forget until we find some reminder of them.All I can say is that this made my day.Although it was a cold and rainy one.I remembered the reason why I started loving photography.

My good friend, Tripod, helped me take a self-portrait holding my old film camera.Hope you like it 🙂